If you're a snorer, you're probably getting more sleep than the person lying next to you. Changing your sleeping position may be all it takes but for many people losing weight is often theHome Remedies for Snoring real key to a tranquil night. This article discusses home remedies and some things you should avoid to prevent snoring.
If you're a snorer, you're probably getting more sleep than the person lying next to you. Changing your sleeping position may be all it takes but for many people losing weight is often the real key to a tranquil night.Put yourself in a good position
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 1
Buy yourself a few extra pillows and proper yourself up in bed rather than lying flat on your back. You'll prevent te tissues in your throat from falling into your air passages.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 2
Raise the head of your bead. An easy way to do it is to place several flat boards under the legs at the top end of the bed. A couple of old phone books under each leg should also raise the bed high enough will do the trick.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 3
Sleep on your side. Of course, there' no guarantee you'll stay in that position but at least start on your side with your arms wrapped around a pillow. There's a good reason you don't want to sleep on you back. In that position, your tongue and soft palate rest against the back of your throat blocking the airway.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 4
If hugging a pillow doesn't help, you can tackle the problem by using a tennis ball Sew a little pouch onto the back of your pajama top and tuck a tennis ball inside. At night, if you start to roll onto your back while you're asleep, you'll get a nudge from the ball prompting you to get back on your side.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 5
If nasal congestion is causing your snoring, try taking a decongestant or antihistamine before you go to bed. But use these only as a temporary measure if you suspect that a cold or allergy is to blame.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 6
Tape your nose open with nasal strips, available from most pharmacies. Their effectiveness is debatable, but as they don't hurt they're worth a try. Following the directions on the package, tape one of the strips to the outside of your nose before you fall asleep. They work by lifting and opening your nostrils to increase airflow.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 7
Gargle with a peppermint mouthwash to shrink the lining of your nose and throat. This is especially effective if your snoring is a temporary condition caused by head cold or an allergy. To mix up the herbal gargle, add 1 drop of peppermint oil to a glass of cold water.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 8
Don't eat a heavy meal or drink alcohol within 3 hours of bedtime. Both can relax throat and muscles more than normal.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 9
Losing weight can reduce your snoring by easing the constriction of the upper airway.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 10
Daily products are possible food allergens that may create excess mucus, thereby worsening congestion in the respiratory system.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 11
Give up smoking. Tobacco smoke irritates mucous membranes so your throat swells, narrowing the airway. Smokers always have more problems with nasal congestion.
Home Remedy for Snoring No. 12
Dry air can contribute to snoring. There are lots of ways do battle with dry hair. A humidifier or steam vaporizer in the bedroom can keep your air passages moist. Just be sure to clean it regularly.
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